Saturday 28 January 2017

Hide ip With 4nonimizer for Kali Linux

It is a bash script for anonymizing the public IP used to browsing Internet, managing the connection to TOR network and to different VPNs providers (OpenVPN), whether free or paid. By default, it includes several pre-configured VPN connections to different peers (.ovpn files) and download the credentials. Also, it records each used IP that we use every 300 seconds in log files.

This script is enabled as a service in systemd systems and uses a default vpn (VPNBook) at system startup.

Since version 1.05 the dns resolution requests are done throught DnsCrypt (disabled in 1.06 version for improving!)

Once installed 4nonymizer, enter the command 4nonimizer help to get the help, which shows all the available parameters:
       ___                   _           _
      /   |                 (_)         (_)
     / /| |_ __   ___  _ __  _ _ __ ___  _ _______ _ __
    / /_| | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \| | '_  ` _ | |_  / _ \ '__|
    \___  | | | | (_) | | | | | | | | | | |/ /  __/ |
        |_/_| |_|\___/|_| |_|_|_| |_| |_|_/___\___|_|
                                       By Carlos Antonini & Vicente Motos
                                       Version: 1.06-beta
Usage: 4nonymizer <parameter>
     install: Install the script in run services
     uninstall: Disable run service and remove app directory
     change_provider: Change VPN Provider
     change_ip: Change IP from VPN current
     vpn_status: Check IP and provider VPN running
     update_vpns: Update all ovpn of VPNs
     start: Init the 4nonimizer service
     stop: Stop the 4nonimizer service
     stop_nonet: Stop the 4nonimizer service and shutdown network interfaces
     restart: Restart the 4nonimizer service
     update_app: Update this program via git
     privoxy: Install and configure privoxy with port 8118 (BETA)
     proxychains4: Install and configure proxychains4 for default in the system
     browser: Fire up a firefox browser with profile privoxy -> tor
     test_availability: Check peers availability and delete ovpn file if the IP/service is unreachable
     location: Now you can select a specific country or continent of the vpn peer
     enableboot: You can enable service in boot
     disableboot: You can disable service in boot
     help: Help (this screen)


                     1) Move the folder to Desktop

                     2) open terminal

                     3) root@kali $ cd Desktop

                     4) root@kali $ chmod +x 4nonimizer

                     5) root@kali $  ./4nonimizer install        


                                     Click to download